watch this space
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I just posted the paragraph below in the comments at ambivalentmumblings.blogspot.com. For some reason, I can't post comments at Nate's Hurst blog. Nate wrote about the two debates between Hurst and Davis. If I don't get some comment action soon, I may suspend this experiment. Of course, there could be events that prompt me to post, and who knows, maybe I'll come up with a great idea to get Hurst the good free publicity he so badly needs.

If undecided voters can be persuaded to get up and go to a debate, surely they can be persuaded to sit snugly at home and surf the web. I really hope the press and some local tv channel (Channel 8 on cable?) covers the debates. This race ought not to be a contest. Davis may have come to Congress when it wasn't quite so shameful to be a Republican, and he may have been able to dole out just enough constituent service and pander to federal employees to allow him to beat the cannon fodder the Democrats served up. This November could and should be quite different. Andy Hurst is principled, energetic, and can provide a much needed breath of fresh air. Moreover, the national trends are very favorable for Democrats, and even Virginia, especially Northern Virginia, is turning blue. If nothing else, the pragmatic truly independent voter should take into account that Andy would likely be in the majority while Davis would be pouting watching Waxman really do something with the Government Reform Cmte. If the voters return Davis yet again merely because he has more signs in the medians, more ads on tv, more slick crap in our mailboxes, or just because he's the devil they know and they didn't make any effort to discover Andy before election day, they deserve what they get, and what they'll get is two more years of servitude to a corrupt and frankly evil Republican leadership and likely Davis trying to succeed John Warner in the Senate in 2008. C'mon 11th District put a stake (metaphorically speaking) in the heart of Davis.
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