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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Wow! Exciting news! http://www.ambivalentmumblings.blogspot.com has announced an Act Blue initiative on behalf of Hurst. I found out about it from Nate's unofficial Hurst blog (I don't know the URL off the top of my head, but if anyone asks in the comments, I'll look it up for them.).

I commented on the post at ambivalentmumblings and cited a Firedoglake post (http://www.firedoglake.com/2006/09/12/great-news/#more-4459) about the incredibly great Act Blue video "Had Enough" that's being adapted to more and more Dem campaigns. It would be great if someone could do this for Hurst.

This could generate exactly the type of dump-all-incumbent momentum that Hurst needs. Now more than ever - I just saw a slick Davis ad during Hardball.
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