Why is Tom Davis getting a free pass on Foleygate? Rep. Sue Kelly flipped her lid when someone dared to ask about her time on the Committee that oversees the page program. Davis has to be on a hair trigger with his biggest challenge ever and his Senate dreams slipping away. Someone must ask Davis what he did and said when he handed the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee over to Rep. Reynolds. It's been reported that Reynolds had to contend with pressure from Karl Rove to tell Foley he must stay in Congress to protect the Republican majority, even while Reynolds was getting information on Foley's harassing boys. Reynolds has apologized to the voters in his district and pretty much admitted he should have put the safety of the boys over politics. It's been reported that Foley's troubles long predate Reynolds' being head of the RCCC to the time when Davis was head of the RCCC. What did Davis know and when did he know it? How many times did Davis direct money, support, and pressure to stay to Foley when he knew or should have known that Foley was harassing boys? Make Tom Davis come clean!