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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
To the eligible voters of our district who allowed this tragedy, shame on you.

To Tom Davis who has governed badly and campaigned disgustingly, you are going to wish you'd lost.

To Andy Hurst who stepped up, challenged the bad guys, and campaigned heroically, bless you.

To the people who supported and/or voted for Hurst, we'll get 'em next time.

Stay tuned for the re-re-dedication of this blog....
So, are the Democrats going to give Hurst a shot in 2008, or will he be forced aside by Gerry Connolly and/or others?
Hi Bwana! I'm a newbie to local politics. I visited your blog and hope to learn more from there.

Gerry Connolly is the one name I've noticed over and over again on eyeing the Dem ballot spot for VA-11 in '08. I don't know much about him. He certainly has a fair amount of support (and more than a few critics). He also has the same experience that Davis had when he made the leap.

I would actually be surprised if Andy Hurst ran again, unless he caught the politics bug. He was a real hero of a campaigner, but he received so little support from the party and the "establishment" (the Wash Post endorsement of Davis with hardly a mention of Hurst really sucked!). If he wants to remain in politics, I imagine the party could demonstrate their gratitude some time soon for making Davis sweat and doing real damage to Davis's Senate hopes.

My next focus will be next year's state elections. I understand that Marsden will run again. If the GOP puts up another bad guy like Golden, I'll be all over it, not only here, but in the streets as I was in '05. I also can't wait to help the Dem candidate for state Senate, particularly if Devolites-Davis has the gall to run again.

Thanks for visiting and commenting. Sorry for the delay in responding, but I can't do this from work.

You're the only commenter I've had, apart from relatives, an anonymous troll, and the indefatigable Alice Marshall (can she possibly be one person?) who's been so kind at linking to my site on hers at at FCDC.

I'll try to find an opportunity to comment at your site. I hope to continue the dialogue, and someday it would be really cool if I could actually meet the wonderfully articulate and passionate bloggers with whom it appears I share a lot.

Take care. Joel
David Safavian's wife, Jennifer, still works for Davis. Apparently she's tried to find another job but she's unemployable. Too bad! How nice of Tom to provide her with a taxpayer funded job while he husband is in the big house.
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