watch this space
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Well, damn! Somehow, I made the blogroll over at vapoliticalblogs.com. I'm not sure how this happened. I wanted it to happen before the elections and assumed the fact that it didn't meant I had to do something myself to make it happen. Anyway, I was getting anxious about changing my URL as obsolete. I hung onto it, because I haven't yet decided what to re-re-dedicate this blog to. Now, I have another reason. I can only hope my being on vapoliticalblogs.com's blogroll means I'll attract more visitors. So, consider this an open thread. I'm entertaining suggestions for the next mission of this blog. Thanks.
Are you Billy Joel?
He wishes.
I do have prominent eyes, prefer McCartney's melodies (though I like Lennon's lyrics), and my ex-wife is Brinkleyesque. Spooky, isn't it?
You are on VA Political blogs because I sent an email to Waldo asking him to put you on. Any one who writes a blog about Virginia Politics can get on the RSS reader.

I hope we will have plenty of new bloggers. We will need them for the 2007 election.
Ms. Marshall, thanks!
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