Well, it looks like my new mission will be to support Chap Petersen in his effort to defeat Jeannemarie Devolites Davis in her bid for re-election to the Virginia Senate. I assume Dave Marsden will run for re-election to his seat in the House of Delegates, and I've heard of no Republicans announcing they will challenge him. If that situation holds, I'll be able to devote all my energy to the state Senate race. I'm still very much not over the re-election of Tom Davis to the U.S. House of Representatives. It boggles my mind how many voters in my U.S. congressional district, VA-11, voted for Tim Kaine, Leslie Byrne, Creigh Deeds, and Dave Marsden in 2005, and in 2006 voted for Jim Webb and voted "no" on the definition of marriage amendment and still voted for Tom Davis. I think getting these voters to abandon Ms. Davis in favor of Mr. Petersen should be a lot easier than it was to convince them to take a chance on Andy Hurst. Tom Davis has already shamed us in his first votes in the new Congress, and as predicted, even if he were to be a better voter, he's in the minority now and considerably less powerful. Now we hear that he'll be continuing his lousy job of representing us by devoting his time and energy for the National Republican Campaign Committee, trying to get other political hacks elected or re-elected. It's also quite possible he'll use this post to again help his wife in her state race. I'm trying to do more research on that. You can be sure I'll be scrutinizing Ms. Davis's votes, conduct, and campaign closely as the year progresses. As the name states, watch this space.