Particularly in light of my most recent post immediately below, I must give credit to Tom Davis for announcing his intent to vote for the pending resolution disapproving of Bush's plan. And while I'm sure this wasn't his intent, he managed to expose the wide, possibly politically fatal, rift in the GOP. He rushed to endorse the Iraq Study Group's report, the one Bush referred to as a "flaming turd." He even invoked the GOP leadership's boogeyman du jour, jihadism, but only in the context of the kind of anti-terrorism strategy, we should have adopted after 9/11 and in lieu of invading and occupying Iraq. Of course, Davis said that he voted to authorize the invasion of Iraq and still regards that as the right thing to do, but in criticizing the occupation and essentially calling for the type of redeployment favored by most voters, most Democrats and few Republicans, Davis has left Bush and his congressional cronies high and dry. All Davis has managed to do is make Virginia's far right hate him even more than they hate John Warner. Now it's more important than ever to send a signal to Davis by electing Chap Petersen to the VA Senate. If this is how Davis treats his own party, it would be the height of folly to continue to believe he'll treat us any better. He and his party foisted Bush on us and supported Bush all the way through last November at which point Bush became a lame duck. It's too little too late for Davis and his wife.